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Reviews on Understanding the Body Organs and the Eight Laws of Health

 Are yous looking for a fresh NEW START in your health? God's eight Laws of Health - which is the NEW Outset program of: Diet * Exercise * Water * Sunshine * Temperance * Rest * Air * and Trust in God . These are God'southward Natural Remedies! Much of what is written on God'south viii Laws of Health - the NEW START plan - Diet, Do, Water, Sunshine, Temperance, Rest, Air and Trust in God was written by Ellen White. She wrote extensively on God's Natural Remedies. Virtually of the quotes have a date by them... bank check it will be amazed at the lite she had so early in time! As early as 1868 she was telling people that meat eating was the cause of cancer and was not safe to eat! And it 1899, she said it wouldn't be long and milk and dairy products would no longer be safe! Scientific discipline and Doctors are simply communicable up to her with all the scientific information supporting exactly what she said in regards to the safety of meat eating and dairy products and the residual of God'due south Natural Remedies.


Dangers of Meat Eating and Dairy Products

"The following list of mutual complaints can be directly linked to the consumption of meat and diary products : hives, sinusitis, heart disorders, seborrhea, impaired digestion, obesity, dermatitis, diarrhea, edema, acne, gas and bloating, body aroma, dry out scaly skin, constipation, allergies, bedwetting, fatigue, hyperactivity, colitis attacks, headaches, colic, low, acrimony, congestion and runny nose, irritability, excess fungus, hemorrhoids, impotence, malabsorption, hormone imbalance and hot flashes!" Prescription for Dietary Health, pgs. 144-147.

"The liability to have affliction is increased tenfold past meat-eating." Counsels on Diet and Foods, pg. 386. (1868).

"The intellectual, the moral, and the physical powers are depreciated by the habitual use of flesh meats. Meat-eating deranges the system beclouds the intellect, and blunts the moral sensibilities. We say to you, dear brother and sister, your safest course is to let meat lonely." Counsels on Diet and Foods, pg. 391 (1868).

"The tissues of the swine swarm with parasites. Of the swine, God said, "It is unclean unto y'all; ye shall not eat of their flesh, or touch their expressionless carcass." This control was given because swine'due south mankind is unfit for food. Swine are scavengers, and this is the just utilize they were intended to serve. Never, under any circumstances, was their flesh to be eaten by human being beings." Counsels on Diet an Foods, pg. 392. (1905)

"seven out o 10 people who eat pork have trichina antibodies in their blood streams." Dr. Agatha Thrash, Uchee Pines Institute.

BLV - Bovine Leukemia Virus - is on the rise in the U.s.a.. 20% of adult dairy cows have information technology and threescore% of dairy and beef herds surveyed are infected with BLV. More than than 47% - virtually half- of the dairy cows in Florida were found to be infected with BLV. That is the highest concentration in the world other than Venezuela!


It is much healthier to employ whole grains, not refined ones. No white flour, white pasta, white rice, white bread , etc. "THE WHITER THE BREAD ....THE SOONER YOU'RE DEAD!!!"

Whole grains are good for all claret sugar disorders. Make sure that the staff of life label says the give-and-take "whole" and non just "wheat", otherwise it is really just manifestly old white flour.

It's very important to vary your grains...don't eat the same grain everyday. Most people take wheat everyday. Try calculation Spelt, Kamut, Corn, Barley, Millet, Rice, Rye or fifty-fifty more exotic grains Amaranth or Quinoa.

Grains should be thoroughly cooked or baked. Raw grains are not healthy. Many people are allergic to gluten - the protein in the wheat an other grains. Grains that do not incorporate gluten are: Rice, Corn, Quinoa and Amaranth.


Sugar is non skilful for the tum. It causes fermentation, and this clouds the brain and brings peevishness into the disposition." Counsels on Diet and Foods , pg. 327. (1901)

"Free carbohydrate has been shown to reduce the power of white blood cells to function properly, to aggravate eye disease, to reduce lifespan, to contribute to alcoholism, mental illness, high blood force per unit area, skin disease, and enlarged liver and kidneys." Nutrition for Vegetarians., pg. 39. (Dr. Agatha Thrash).

Sugar is "food for cancer."

Believe it or not - back in the 1800'due south sugar was "by prescription ONLY".

Good for you Sugars: Barley Malt, Chocolate-brown Rice Syrup, Honey, Date Saccharide, Molasses, Fructose, Stevia


"In order for the encephalon to take clearness and forcefulness of idea retentive memory, and mental power, the muscles of the body should have practise a portion of each twenty-four hour period in club to preserve and improve health." The Health Reformer, March 1, 1873. (Ellen White)

"When the atmospheric condition will allow, all who tin perchance do then ought to walk in the open air every solar day, summer an winter. But the article of clothing should be suitable for the exercise, and the feet should be well protected. A walk, fifty-fifty in winter, would be more than beneficial to the health than all the medicine the doctors may prescribe. For those who tin can walk, walking is preferable to riding. The muscles and veins are enabled better to perform their work. There will exist increased vitality, which is so necessary to health. The lungs will have needful action; for it is incommunicable to become out in the bracing air of a wintertime's morn without inflating the lungs." Counsels on Health, pg. 552.

"The principal if not the only reason why many become invalids is that the claret does not broadcast freely, and the changes in the vital fluid, which are necessary to life and wellness, do not accept identify. They have non given their bodies do not their lungs food, which is pure, fresh air, therefore it is impossible for the blood to be vitalized., and information technology pursues its course sluggish through the organization. The more than we exercise, the meliorate will be the circulation of the blood. More people dice for want of exercise than through over -fatigue; very man more rust out than wear out. Those who acquaint themselves to proper exercise in the open up air, will generally have a adept and vigorous circulation. We are more dependent upon the air we exhale than upon the food we eat. Men and women, young and old, who desire health and who would savor agile life, should think that they cannot accept these without a good circulation. Whatever their business and inclinations are, they should brand upward their minds to exercise in the open air as much as they can." (Ellen White).


Drink at to the lowest degree 8 glasses of h2o a 24-hour interval.

"Pure water to potable and fresh air to breathe invigorate the vital organs, purifies the blood, and helps nature in her task of overcoming the bad conditions of the system." (Ellen White).

Many health issues would be eliminated, including bowel and bladder problems, anxiety attacks, and food tolerance reactions, called-for in the stomach, headaches, colitis hurting, hot flashes and many other problems IF enough h2o were drunkard.

H2o flushes out the toxins that cause many wellness problems.

If those who are afflicted would assist nature in her effort past the use of pure, soft h2o , much suffering would be prevented." (Ellen White).

Drinking lots of pure water everyday will definitely help to forestall cancer.


This (sunshine) is one of nature's most healing agents." (Ellen White)

"If all would capeesh the sunshine, and expose every commodity of vesture to its drying, purifying rays, mildew and mold would exist prevented....This is the but style rooms can be kept from impurities....Every room in our dwellings should exist daily thrown open to the healthful rays of the sun and the purifying air should be invited in. This will be a preventive of disease." Wellness Reformer Articles. (Ellen White)

Many have go afraid of the sun, thinking they will get pare cancer from it. We believe that the dominicus does non cause skin cancer (unless you are constantly out in it, burning yourself), but rather, information technology is a purifier.....information technology brings to the surface (which is your skin) the cancers and toxins and germs that are already in your system - trying to flush them out of your body. The sunshine is one of God'due south 8 Natural Remedies!


"In order to preserve health, temperance in all things is necessary - temperance in labor, temperance in eating and drinking." How to Live, pg. 57. (Ellen White).

"Truthful temperance teaches us to dispense entirely with everything hurtful, and to apply judiciously that which is healthful." The Faith I Alive Past, pg. 231. (Ellen White).

Many Christians believe that "Moderation" is the KEY. We strongly disagree. Think well-nigh cocaine OK in moderation? Of grade not! You lot come across, True Temperance ways to abjure completely from things that are bad for you lot and to use "moderately" those things that are good for y'all.

About a 100 years ago, at that place was something called - The Temperance Pledge . At that time, people who signed it were promising to not drink or have anything to do with liquor. Information technology would exist good if we could have a Temperance Pledge today. But, it should include way more than liquor. Our bodies are the "temple" of God. We should not put anything into it that is not good for it. Permit'south think nearly that for a moment. What are some common things that people put into their bodies that are not good for them? Java? Cigarette smoke? Chocolate? The vast majority of the Artificial Sweeteners? And what about all the Prescription Drugs so many people are on? The side-effects of many of them are horrendous!

If you lot experience a fleck overwhelmed, and perhaps discouraged...thinking about the things that need irresolute in your lifestyle, don't requite up! Email us, tell u.s. what you know you need to do, and nosotros'll requite you lot some suggestions equally to how to do it successfully! We can help! And most of all, God is just waiting to assist you, if you will only permit Him. Come join usa and be a Wellness Reformer! Sign the Temperance Pledge! Yous'll feel and so much amend.


"Air is the free approving of sky, calculated to electrify the whole system." (Ellen White)

"Thousands take died for desire of pure water and pure air, who might accept lived...These blessings they need in lodge to get well. If they would become enlightened, and let medicine solitary and accustom themselves to outdoor practise, and to air in their houses, summertime and winter, and use soft water for drinking and bathing purposes, they would be insufficiently well and happy instead of dragging out a miserable existence." How to Live, pg. 56. (Ellen White)

Pure, make clean air, is another one of God's 8 Natural Remedies.

Seven. REST

"I know that from the testimonies given me from fourth dimension to time, for brain workers, that sleep is worth far more before than afterwards midnight. Two hours skilful sleep before 12 o'clock is worth more than than four hours after 12 o'clock...(Ellen White)

"Give yourself proper time to sleep. They who sleep give nature time to build up and repair the weary waste of the organs." (Ellen White).

"The number of hours of sleep generally needed varies with circumstances The average is 7 to 9. In general one should sleep when sleepy and non try to sleep more. Growing children require more than slumber than grown-ups." (Ellen White).

"Ones best sleep is with the stomach practically empty. Information technology is true that food puts one to sleep at first, past diverting claret from the head; simply information technology disturbs sleep later. H2o, unless it induces bladder-activeness during the night, or fifty-fifty fruit, may be taken without injury before retiring. If 1 goes to bed with an empty stomach, he can often get forth well with half-dozen or seen hours sleep, only if he goes to bed soon after a hearty meal, he usually needs from eight to ten hours sleep...It has already been pointed out that sleeping outdoors is more restful than sleeping indoors." How to Live, pg. 120-121. (Ellen White).

Many people, when they need rest , instead of going to sleep, beverage coffee to stay awake. That is exactly the opposite of what they need. Coffee and ephedrine and energy pills cannot supplant rest. Residue is also 1 of God'due south 8 Natural Remedies.


"Gratitude, rejoicing, benevolence, trust in God 's love and intendance -- these are health's greatest safeguards." My Life Today, pg. 151. (Ellen White).

"Not a few, in this Christian age and Christian nation, resort to mediums rather than trust to the power of the living God. The mother, watching by the sick-bed of her kid, exclaims, "I tin do no more. Is there no physician who has power to restore my child?" She is told of the wonderful cures performed by some clairvoyant or magnetic healer, and she trusts her dearest one to his charge, placing it as verily in the hands of Satan as though he were standing past her side. And in how many instances is the future life of the child controlled by a Satanic power which it seems powerless to brea!" The Signs of the Times, March 24, 1887. (Ellen White).

Science has proven now, that people who trust in God , and have organized religion, come up through illnesses and surgeries better than those who do non trust in God.

If you would like to acquire "HOW" to trust in God , there is a booklet called "Steps to Christ" you lot tin can take for free.                                                              Just visit the website Steps to Christ  or transport me an  email. Just mention that you would like the booklet - "Steps to Christ".
